Requesting access to condo records

In some condos, requesting to examine a condo corporation's documents can be as easy as seeing the manager and telling her want to want to look at. If you are lucky, you get a copy of what you want to see. No cost, no fuss, no bother, no hard feelings.

At other condos, examining documents is harder than inspecting the documents for North Korea's nuclear missile program.

Request for Records
The COA has a standard Request for Records pdf form that can be downloaded from the Internet that is to be used to request records.

The form has nine pages much of it containing repetitive material.

Basic information on who is making the request

Agent for the requester
Same as above

Request for core records
This is interesting as the form lists all the core records catagories.
Requested records
• Condominium corporation declaration
• Condominium corporation by-laws
• Condominium corporation rules
• Record of owners and mortgagees
• Record of notices relating to leases of units
• Periodic information certificates from the past 12 months.
• Budget for the corporation's current fiscal year, including any amendments
• Most recent approved financial statements
• Most recent auditor's report
• The current plan for future funding of the reserve fund.
• Mutual use agreements (shared facilities)
• Minutes of meetings held within the last 12 months (Board and/or Owners)
• Additional records specified in a by-law of the corporation.

Request for non-core records
Page 9 covers all the non-core records.

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