Manzoor Khan &
Channel Property Management

“When you have been on the board for a while you will learn that you have to work outside the Condo Act and that taking graft is common practice in this business.”
—Manzoor Moorshed Khan

In September 2011, The Channel Property Management scandal became a Canadian media sensation. Coming out of nowhere, Manzoor Khan became the best known condominium property manager in the country.

This should never have happened. By the spring of 2007, it was known by at least a few of the players in the industry that Channel Property Management was forced out of one condo corporation due to allegations of fraud.

By the summer of 2007, one of the directors of PCC #143 was taking 200 pages of documents, that proved that Channel Property Management had falsified documents and committed fraud, to his local politicians, the Peel Regional and Ontario Provincial police forces, to the media and to ACMO, the industry association that Channel belonged to.

The police said that they had a year long backlog of fraud cases so this case would have to wait its turn. No one else listened; no one took the allegations seriously.

So for Manzoor Khan and Channel it was business as usual as they robbed condo owners for a further four years.

Most successful condo crook of all?
Manzoor Khan may be the most successful condominium crook in North America as he stole an estimated $30 million of which he kept most for himself.

There was an organized gang of condo property managers, contractors and lawyers in Las Vegas who stole a quarter of a billion dollars but that was split between 40 to 50 of them. That works out to only about $5 million each. Besides four of them committed suicide and most of the rest have or are going to jail while Mr. Khan and his loot is safely out of the country.

Here is the story—as much of it as I could gather—of the last five years of Channel Property Management and the biggest known condominium fraud—so far—in Canadian history.

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