The owners’ react

The board announced the name of their new property management company and announced an information meeting to introduce Manzoor Khan and their new management staff and to inform the owners of the board's business plan.

Within days of Channel being becoming the new management company, there were rumblings of dissatisfaction from a few owners. Someone looked up Channel on the Internet and saw that he had an ex-board member from the condo on his staff.

The information meeting
Manzoor Khan chaired the information meeting. Almost immediately an owner asked: “Who is your vice-president of operations?”

Khan replied: “Paul Entres.”

The room broke out in an uproar. Many owners were very upset. Exactly why is not clear but it appears that Paul Entres was on the board of directors at 238 Albion Road some twenty years earlier and many of the long-term owners had strong feelings about him.

There were rumours about the board that managed the property back then but they were little more than unsubstantiated allegations and nothing that was proved in court.

A requisition is started
Using Channel as the concern, a handful of owners, who were politically opposed to the board, started canvassing owners to sign a requisition for a special owners’ meeting to replace the newly elected directors.

To pacify the owners, the board had their corporation lawyer draw up an agreement stating that Paul Entres would not have any direct or indirect dealings with the 238 Albion Road contract and he would not appear on the property representing Channel in any capacity. Khan signed the agreement.

A few of the owners were not satisfied with this agreement and were continuing to persuade owners to sign the petition. Further more, Channel’s onsite administrator faced vicious verbal abuse by a few of the owners and on one occasion, when he received a death threat, the police were called.

Khan's reaction
On 16 December 2008, the requisition for a special owners’ meeting was mailed to Channel. On 23 December 2008, Khan sent his reply.

Khan was alarmed. He asked the board for an emergency meeting.

From:  "Manzoor Moorshed Khan" []
Date:    12/22/2008 10:19 AM
To:        706 board members
Subject: emergency meeting

Good Morning Board Members,

Please be advised that management is requesting an emergency meeting with the board to discuss the various activities that are being performed by various owners. My staff is working under dangerous circumstances that should not be occurring such as personal and violent threats. The various owners are obstructing the management to perform their work. We have also received a letter from one of the owners that one of the directors has resigned, I am not aware about this situation other then President's death. If someone has resigned please advise me immediately.


At first the board was divided on whether they should terminate Channel’s contract or not. He had not done anything wrong so a couple of directors felt that the company deserved a chance to prove itself.

The board gave this a lot of thought as they prepared for the Special Owners' Meeting.

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