Why the secrecy?
“Secrecy, being an instrument of conspiracy, ought never to be the system of a regular government.”
—Jeremy Bentham

I have wrote that I am strongly opposed to boards insisting that the directors sign the confidentiality agreements that are suggested by CCI and some condominium law firms.

I feel that a wall of secrecy surrounding board decisions, except in only limited situations, can create a climate where bad decisions at the least, and outright corruption at the worst, can thrive.

Yet, I had no actual evidence of this until I saw this e-mail.

So here is the smoking gun. An e-mail where Manzoor Khan urges the directors of a condo corporation, a new client, to sign a confidentiality agreement falsely infering that is "according to the Condo Act".

So the man who may be Canada's biggest condo fraud artist says that it is prudent and important that the directors sign an agreement that they will not tell the owners anything that is "confidential".

How convenient.

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