Nathan’s Company Meetings

This is a very expensive book so I can't recommend that most condo owners should buy it but a copy should be bought by all condo boards and all directors should become familiar with the basic rules for running a board meeting and an Annual General Meeting.

Can't play the game
You can't play a sport if you don't know the rules of the game and it is the same when you become a director. If you don't know the meeting rules and how an election is run, then how can you be an effective director? (Doing whatever  the manager tells you to do is not being an effective director.)

You can't understand the game
If they don't know the basic rules, how can the owners participate in the owner meetings in a meaningfully way? Is is not possible.

Unlike the Little Red Book, I am not suggesting that owners should take Nathan's book to the management office or to the owners' meetings and use it to beat upon the directors but it should be read so that the directors know their responsibilities and so the owners will understand how the condo corporation's meetings and elections should be run.

If most directors and owners understood their mutual responsibilities then there may be far less condo disputes and legal issues.

I have highlighted some of the key areas that this book covers with the hope that you encourage your board to buy a copy.

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