The new board
“When we got into office, the thing that surprised me most was to find that things were just as bad as we'd been saying they were.”
—John F. Kennedy 

During the election, the new board promised the following:
To provide and maintain the highest standards of service, confidence
and trust.
Economically & efficiently run the condo while enhancing the lifestyle of the community.
Regain CMHC insurance for unit mortgages.
Lower the condo fees by 25%.
Build the reserve funds as outlined in the Condo Act.
To serve our community with care, integrity, knowledge and creative ability in the faithful performance of our duties and obligations.

The challenge
The condo corporation replaced an unpopular administrator with a board that was mistrusted by some of the owners. One of the new directors was involved with a conflict of interest when he was last a director that resulted in the corporation paying $200,000 in legal fees.

The president was facing several criminal charges; one of them for making threats against an owner who complained about not having any hot water in her unit.

There were serious political, social and economic problems that needed to be addressed and the directors needed to build credibility among the owners.

The owners elected the complete "United Home Owners Association YCC #42" slate so the new board had the mandate and the power to manage the condominium corporation.

They face no opposition on the board so their constituents were hoping that they would fulfill their commitments.

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