Dixon City Bloods

At 5:00 am, on Thursday 13 June 2013, the Toronto police launched a massive raid on the Dixon City Bloods, a street gang operating out of 320 Dixon Road.

Interestingly, Rob Ford’s office was not tipped off about the raid as that information was limited to only those who needed to know.

Yet, the entire Toronto news media, who Rob Ford called “maggots” must be on the “need to know list”, as they had the six apartment buildings on Dixon Road, Dixon Road itself, Ford’s house and the local police station staked out waiting for the raid to begin.

The police smashed down the doors when they raided units in 320, 330, 340 and 390 Dixon Road. The search warrants stated that the police were also looking for cell phones and computers.

The police arrested 43 people in Toronto and Windsor, seized 40 guns, $3 million worth of drugs and over $500,000 in cash. A major gun-importing ring was dented.

For the first time, the name Dixon Road Bloods became well known.

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