Swimming pool water testing

In some condos, you should ask your manager who conducts your swimming pool and hot tub water tests and how often. Then you will want assurances that they have been properly trained on how to conduct the water tests and interpret the results.

The persons doing these tests also need to inspect the hot tub and pool areas to insure that they meet government standards. Does the emergency telephone work, are there any supplies in the First Aid box, is the required rescue equipment on hand and does the gates or doors lock when the facilities are closed?

Monkey see–monkey do

Every person who tests the water quality for public hot tubs and swimming pools—yes, condo swimming pools and hot tubs are considered public amenities—must be trained by a qualified pool technician.

Yet the vast majority or security guards who test the pools and tubs at night and open these facilities in the morning have been shown what to do by a follow guard who was previous "trained" by the tried and true "monkey-see monkey-do method.

These guards do not know what the readings mean, the properties of the chemicals they are using, have had no WHMIS training on how to safely use those chemicals or have been given authorization to close the facilities if the test results fall outside the safe parameters.

Some have been told that under no circumstances are they authorized to close the water amenities.

Fake it
Worse case, the guards, or cleaning staff, are faking the test results.

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