1st year financial statements

Here is the financial statements that we can use as an example of a condo corporation that was off to a very bad start.

Budget compared to Actuals—1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008
Income Budget Actual Difference
condo fees $1,032,611 $1,024,118 -$8,493
transfer to reserve fund -$92,100 -$91,100 $1,000
guest suite rentals $7,000 $0 -$7,000
interest $800 -$2 -$802
Total $948,311 $933,016 -$15,295
The first part shows the condo's total income. This is all the money that the condo has to spend.
Expenses Budget Actual Difference

management fees $101,365 $72,424 -$28,941
bank charges $0 $895 $895
insurance $12,000 $32,095 $20,095
legal & audit $6,955 $5,250 -$1,705
office expenses $1,000 $1,993 $993
sub-total $121,320 $112,657 -$8,663
Utilities Budget Actual
electricity $255,000 $290,924 $35,924
water $88,000 $50,693 -$37,307
gas $150,000 $190,377 $40,377
telephones $3,000 $2,094 -$906
sub-total $496,000 $534,088 $38,088
The utilities took up about 50% of the expenditures.
Consulting $0 $0 $0
reserve fund study $3,210 $0 -$3,210
sub-total $6,420

Contracts Budget
landscaping & snow removal $20,000 $19,716 -$284
Security $80,000 $151,367 $71,367
cleaning $104,450 $107,117 $2,667
generator maintenance $2,000 $1,571 -$429
safety & security system maintenance $8,000 $1,254 -$6,746
building maintenance $17,000 $45,372 $28,372
equipment maintenance $22,000 $19,068 -$2,932
elevators $18,000 $17,272 -$728
window cleaning $3,000 $3,000 $0
pest control $1,000 $1,056 $56
garbage compactor lease $8,000 $18,666 $10,666
garage sweep $700 $0 -$700
sub-total $284,150 $385,459 $101,309
The contracts cost 26% more than budgeted.
Guest suites

guest suites mortgage, interest & taxes $41,631 $17,376 -$24,255
guest suites maintenance $2,000 $984 -$1,016
sub-total $43,631 $18,360 -$25,271
Something does not look right with these figures.
Total Expenses $948,311 $1,050,564 $102,253

Balance Budget Actual

Total income $948,311 $933,016
Total Expenses $948,311 $1,050,564
Balance $0 -$117,548
The corporation has an annual operating deficit of $117,548. It will need a minimum of 11% increase in income to balance the next year's budget and it will need even more to pay down this deficit and build up the reserve fund.

Reserve fund

Balance start of fiscal year $90,597

reserve fund provision $91,100

interest $222

Total $181,919    $99,497  (actual amount)
Note: The auditor's report states on the first page that there is only $99,497 in the reserve fund account, not the $181,919.00 shown above.

Looking at the above, I would have some questions for the auditor and the board or directors.
Where is the income for the party & meeting room rentals?
Why hasn't the board hired an engineering company to conduct a Performance Audit and a Reserve Fund Study?
The Contracts cost about 25% more than what was budgeted. Why?
They have a first year operating deficit of $117,548. This closely matches the shortfall in the reserve fund. Why has the board been liberally
(but illegally) dipping into the reserve fund to make up for the operating fund losses?
What plan has the board implemented to eliminate the operating deficit and to recover the money, with interest, that was removed from the
reserve fund?

I wonder if the board would thrilled with my interest?

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