Community titles schemes statistics
Queensland Government
March 2016

People will often talk about just how sizeable the body corporate ‘industry’ or ‘sector’ is in Queensland, but what are the actual numbers?

Statistics about schemes and lots (condo corporations & units) in Queensland come from the Titles Registry. Based on figures supplied by the Registrar of Titles, as at March 2016, some useful statistics to be aware of include:

Number of schemes: 
Number of individual lots: 

Number of schemes registered under each regulation module:
Small Schemes:
Commercial: 1,969
Specified Two-Lot: 1,501

Further breakdown of community titles scheme statistics:
Summary No of schemes No of lots
6 lots and under 31,937 103,656
7 to 10 lots 5,562 46,296
11 to 20 lots 3,758 54,368
21 to 50 lots 2,621 84,492
51 to 100 lots 1,068 75,221
over 100 lots 416 67,335
Total 45,362 431,368

This year we have also obtained statistics of the top five local authorities by the number of lots:
Brisbane City
Gold Coast 118,931
Sunshine Coast
Moreton Bay 22,358
Cairns 20,347

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