The prime ballot position changes

Here is a proxy for an AGM where the Treasurer and a director are running against three challengers. There are two elections, one for a general director position and a second one for the owner-occupied position.

Here we see three games being played.

Prime ballot position
The Treasurer is placed in #1 position on the proxy ballot for the general director position with the director placed in #2 position. The three challengers are placed at the bottom in positions #3 to #5.

For the second election, for the owner-occupied position, the top two prime ballot positions are reversed with the director placed in #1 position and the Treasurer placed in #2 position. The three challengers remain at the bottom in positions #3 to #5.

Alphabetical order
When it comes to listing the candidates in alphabetical order, that custom was followed only for the challengers who are listed in positions #3 to #5.

The Treasurer and the director have their present positions on the board listed on the proxy ballot. These "info-ads" give the two incumbents a further advantage when the owners fill in their proxies.

I don't think that any of the owners caught on to these games at this AGM but since I have been talking to three owners at that condo, the owners will be reading the proxies when they receive this year's AGM package.

ACMO affiliates
The troubling thing is that the examples that I have shown so far are all from different property management companies that are ACMO affiliated and the condos are in three different municipalities.

This shows that proxy form fraud is a big problem in Ontario.

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