Medical emergencies

If you need to call an ambulance for someone
Call 911 yourself. The dispatcher is trained to ask the important questions and to gather vital information for the ambulance attendants.

If you phone the front desk to tell them you need an ambulance, you are just wasting time as you need to tell them what is going on and then they have to phone 911 and tell the dispatcher what you said. (Besides, the front desk phone may be busy or the guard is outside having a smoke.)
Then call the front desk or send someone down to tell the employee on duty that you have phoned for an ambulance and you need him or her to open the lobby doors and put an elevator on service.
Have someone wait outside to direct the ambulance to the front lobby and to help them find the apartment.

You do not want the ambulance attendants wasting time trying to figure out the apartment numbering scheme for your building.
There should be a First Aid kit behind the front desk or in the manager's office.

If you need an ambulance for yourself
If you live alone, phoning for an ambulance could be a little trickier.
Call 911 yourself. The dispatcher is trained to ask the important questions and to gather vital information for the ambulance attendants.

If you phone the front desk to tell them you need an ambulance, you are just wasting time as you need to tell them what is going on and then they have to phone 911 and tell the dispatcher what you said. (Besides, often that phone is busy or the guard is on patrol.)
After you called 911, call the front desk and if the phone is busy, phone a neighbour. Ask the neighbour to go down to the lobby and tell the employee on duty that you have phoned for an ambulance and you need him or her to open the lobby doors and put an elevator on service.
Hopefully someone will wait outside to direct the ambulance to the front lobby and to help them find your apartment.

You do not want the ambulance attendants wasting time trying to figure out the apartment numbering scheme for our building.
Usually there is a First Aid kit with security or in the management office.

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